Abstract 4/2021

Table of content

National Transport Model – strategic transport model

Karolina Mering, Joanna Wachnicka – Analysis of the electric scooters use in cities in terms of road traffic safety on the example of Gdańsk

Karolina Rusin, Wiesław Starowicz – Analysis of transport quality in urban public transport in Konin

Aleksandra Adamek – Competitiveness of the bicycle as a means of transport on the example of the city of Konin



National Transport Model – strategic transport model

Abstract: The article presents the context and basic assumptions for the development of the National Transport Model at the Center for EU Transport Projects. The tool is intended to optimize the process of strategic planning in the transport sector and as an instrument to support the implementation of the EC enabling conditions for transport investments in the new financial perspective 2021 – 2027. The baseline model is developed for the year 2015/2019 and forecast horizons for 2025 and 2030 with the possibility of taking into account further forecasting horizons. At the same time, in the course of the works, an attempt was made to develop a national freight model. Through the course of   work on the model development, a number of issues with data availability had been identified and confirmed, which is a certain constraint on the overall travel demand modeling process in Poland.

Key words: traffic forecasting, traffic model, transport model


Karolina Mering, Joanna Wachnicka

Analysis of the electric scooters use in cities in terms of road traffic safety on the example of Gdańsk

Abstract: The subject of the article is the analysis of the impact of electric scooters on road safety in cities, with particular emphasis on Gdansk. The first part, which is a theoretical introduction to the topic, presents – based on foreign publications – the scale on which people around the world use electric scooters and the resulting risks. Due to the lack of Polish literature on this relatively new topic, it was based on scientific articles on the situation in the United States, New Zealand, France and Germany. The analysis focused mainly on the regulations in force in each country, the most common behaviors of users, the number of accidents, and the characteristics of injuries. The next part of the article was devoted to the analysis of the popularity of electric scooters in Poland, which – as it was demonstrated – is constantly growing thanks to the development of systems of shared e-scooters in major Polish cities. Threats and accidents caused by unicycles are also discussed here. Information about the current state was collected only from media reports and non-confirmed data provided by rental companies. Next, the authors own research conducted in order to obtain reliable information on the safety condition of electric scooter users on the Gdańsk street network has been described. For this purpose, three independent studies were carried out: a survey conducted on a sample of 203 respondents, an interview with an employee of a rental company of electric scooters in the Tri-City area, and a field study conducted on the basis of all-day recordings from two intersections in Gdansk. The results allowed to present the concept of changes in three areas: law, safety management and planning and design in the last part of the article. The proposed changes could significantly improve the safety of users of electric scooters and other traffic participants.

Key words: traffic safety, e-scooter,  field testing, survey


Karolina Rusin, Wiesław Starowicz

Analysis of transport quality in urban public transport in Konin

Abstract: The quality of public transport in cities is of great importance in view of the growing demands of passengers, whose expectations and satisfaction must be met. Services should have features that will be attractive enough to passengers to encourage them to resign from using private cars. The aim of this article is to assess the preferences and level of realization of quality features of transport services by passengers of public transport in Konin (realized by the Municipal Transport Company), to determine the quality gap and the general degree of satisfaction of respondents on the basis of surveys conducted. Data have been obtained in own research on sample of 400 users of public transport in Konin. 

Key words: public transport, transport quality, passenger preferences


Aleksandra Adamek

Competitiveness of the bicycle as a means of transport on the example of the city of Konin

Abstract: The aim of the article is to examine the competitiveness of the bicycle in journeys carried out in Konin. The competitiveness of the bicycle with respect to the passenger car and public transport was determined on the basis of comparative studies conducted at the turn of 2019 and 2020. Eight routes from different parts of the city to the center (railway station), varying in length from three to six kilometers, have been selected for comparison. Each route was travelled six times by each of the studied modes of transport. For car and bicycle journeys, the percentages of driving time, parking time, and travel time to the destination were analyzed in relation to the total travel time. For public transportation trips, the percentages of time to get to the stop and wait for the vehicle, driving time, transfer time, and time to get to the destination were analyzed as percentages of total travel time for public transportation trips.

Key words: urban transport, bicycle traffic, competitiveness