Nr 12/2004 r.
2004Abstracts 12/2004
Tadeusz Dyr, Artur Pastuszka
Regional transport management in soma European countries
Experiences in the field of regionalisation of passengers' public transport in several European countries - Sweden, France,…

Nr 11/2004 r.
2004Abstracts 11/2004
Formation of public passenger transport system of the regional range – the new approach
Regionalisation of the public passenger transport . External and internal factors of the crisis within…

Nr 5/2004 r.
2004Abstracts 5/2004
Local authorities tasks in the field of public transport
EU basic regulations in the field of public transport. Significance of these rules for Poland. Legal basis for local and regional transport…

Nr 4/2004 r.
2004Abstracts 4/2004
Ryszard Janecki
Regional airports accessibility in Poland. State of art and perspectives up to 2015-2021
Passenger transport services at regional airports. Regional airports accessibility. Airport transport…

Nr 3/2004 r.
2004Abstracts 3/2004
From Publisher and Chief Editor
Wiesław Starowicz, Ryszard Janecki
Regional public transport integration
Regional transport services formation, service integration, as well as extent and formal functions of transport…

Nr 1/2004 r.
2004Abstracts 1/2004
Marian Tracz, Krzysztof Ostrowski
Capacity of signal-controlled intersections with separate traffic lanes for left turns Capacity investigations of traffic lanes with restrictive left turn protection. Results…