
NR 4/2021 R.
2021Abstract 4/2021
Table of content
National Transport Model - strategic transport model
Karolina Mering, Joanna Wachnicka - Analysis of the electric scooters use in cities in terms of road traffic safety on the example of Gdańsk

Nr 7/2018 r.
2018Abstract 7/2018
Table of content
Norbert Chamier-Gliszczyński - Issues of monitoring and assessment in the planning of sustainable urban mobility
Urszula Duda-Wiertel - Consequences of accessibility parking space change in vulnerable…

Nr 1/2014 r.
2014Abstract 1/2014
Table of content
Tomasz Dybicz - Capacity experimental determination of a merging section from two lanes to one lane on a multilane highway
Wacław Oleksy, Tomasz Rokita - Safety of travelators for passengers…

Nr 10/2013 r.
2013Abstract 10/2013
Table of content
Maciej Szymczak - In anticipation of autonomous cars. Will they meet drivers’ expectations and how will they affect cities?
Kazimierz Jamroz, Lech Michalski, Jacek Oskarbski - Road safety management…