1. All publications submitted to the editorial office via e-mail or posted are reviewed (two reviewers) and linguistic reviewing (review editor for language)
  2. Two independent reviewers – employed in different organization than the Author – are appointed to  assess all articles. Reviewers are appointed by the editor-in chief while consulting thematic editor.
  3. When advanced statistical methods are included in the article, also  statistical editor is reviewing the article.
  4. Articles written in foreign languages are reviewed by at least one reviewer affiliated in the foreign institution of another country than the Author’s nationality.
  5. While selecting the reviewers model of so called double-blind review process is applied where Author and reviewers are not informed about their identities.
  6. In special cases when there is no possibility to apply above-mentioned principle (narrow scope of an issues discussed in the article; lack of enough number of reviewers), reviewer employed with the Author in one institution signs conflict of interests declaration. Appearance of conflict of interest is considered when between reviewer and Author occurs:

    a) Direct private relations (family or legal relationships, conflict)
    b) Superior subordination,
    c) Direct scientific cooperation for last two years preceding reviewing.

7. Review is written and concludes with unequivocal finding as follows: publishing an article without any correction, publishing after taking under consideration recommendations given in the review or its rejection.

8. Rules of qualification of the article taken under consideration in the review:

  • Originality of the article referring to the proposed methodology of solving the problem, application of new theoretical approach to the problem or presentation of interesting, synthetic view on the selected research field,
  • Correct terminology used in the article,
  • Correct stylistics and language in writing,
  • Accurate and sufficient selection of literature,
  • Accurate selection of figures, photos and pictures.

9. Names of reviewers of particular articles are not given out in the successive issues of the magazine; once per year, in the December issue of the magazine list of reviewers is published.