
NR 4/2021 R.
2021Abstract 4/2021
Table of content
National Transport Model - strategic transport model
Karolina Mering, Joanna Wachnicka - Analysis of the electric scooters use in cities in terms of road traffic safety on the example of Gdańsk

Nr 2/2015 r.
2015Abstract 2/2015
Table of content
Aleksandra Romanowska,Kazimierz Jamroz - Largeshopping centers – usual traffic generators or sources of transport problems?
Urszula Duda - Functional analysis of kiss and ride zone at the Main Bus Station…

Nr 1/2015 r.
2015Abstract 1/2015
Table of content
Urszula Duda - Overview of kiss and ride zones signs in selected countries
Irena Fryc, Adam Więcko - The impact of bicycle lighting on road safety
Artur Budzowski - Problem of Cracow’s International…

Nr 5/2014 r.
2014Abstract 5/2014
Table of content
Wojciech Dinges, Damian Bzdyrek - Selected aspects of the public road transport in the Silesian Voivodeship in the light of researches
Michał Beim - Research on passenger satisfaction in the…

Nr 4/2014 r.
2014Abstract 4/2014
Table of content
Olgierd Wyszomirski - The sustainable development of urban public transport on the example of Gdynia
Hebel Katarzyna - Changes in transport preferences and behavior of the inhabitants of Gdynia…

Nr 7-8/2011 r.
2011Abstract 7-8 /2011
Two-stage traffic model on the base of the GSM network
Concept of new approach to traffic modelling in cities. Method of gathering data from GSM network. Procedures of…

Nr 2/2011 r.
2011Abstract 2/2011
Radosław Bąk
Analysis of bus stops capacity
Aims of analysis of stops’ capacity. Criteria of planned capacity of stops. Proposal of modernisation of stop capacity defining method. Examples of bus stop capacity…