
NR 4/2019 R.
2019Abstract 4/2019
Table of content
Michał Wolański - Amendments to the Law on public collective transport
Rafał Grzegorzewski - Operational, schedule and economic efficiency of separated bus lines
Andrzej Rudnicki - Contribution to…

Nr 10/2015 r.
2015 Abstract 10/2015
Table of content
Sławomir Goliszek, Marcin Połom - Vehicle policy of the trolleybus transport companies in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the years 2004-2014
Szymon Wiśniewski - Transshipment port in the Functional…

Nr 4/2014 r.
2014Abstract 4/2014
Table of content
Olgierd Wyszomirski - The sustainable development of urban public transport on the example of Gdynia
Hebel Katarzyna - Changes in transport preferences and behavior of the inhabitants of Gdynia…

Nr 7/2013 r.
2013Abstract 7/2013
Table of content
Marek Bauer -Comparison of measures of running time of public transport vehicles
Jacek Szołtysek - Seniors’ friendly cities – problem identification
Marcin Wołek - Promotion of trolleybus transport…

Nr 5/2013 r.
2013Abstract 5/2013
Table of content
Olgierd Wyszomirski - Trolleybus transport functioning in the Trolley Project partnership cities
Elzbieta Załoga, Zuzanna Kłos-Adamkiewicz - Value of services for passengers in the light of research…

Nr 10/2011 r.
2011Abstract 10/2011
Ryszard Janecki, Stanisław Krawiec
Concept of raising of railway regional carriages status in the services of the Górny Śląsk agglomeration
Railway transport in agglomerations as a stimulus for sustainable…

Nr 6/2011 r.
2011Abstract 6/2011
Michał Beim, Paweł Wiśniewski
Pilot researches on the bicycle traffic in Toruń
Goals and methodology of researches. Bicycle traffic in comparison to other traffics. Bikers’ demographic structure.

Nr 3/2011 r.
2011Abstract 3/2011
Daniel Gajewski, Andrzej Szarata
Database on the fluctuation of the traffic volume in Warsaw
Characteristics of the database of the traffic volume measurement with special regard to vehicle composition, vehicle…