NR 10/2022 R.
2022Abstract 10/2022
Table of content
Tomasz Kula - The analysis of the Polish railway market and image of rail passenger carriers
Ryszard Przybyszewski - The concept of integrating tram transport with suburban bus transport on the example…
NR 4/2022 R.
2022Abstract 4/2022
Table of content
Arkadiusz Karcz - Concept of the Poviat-Municipal Association “Góry Sowie Public Transport”
Tomasz Gnabasik, Łukasz Łochowicz - Infrastructure and traffic solutions to improve accessibility of…
NR 3/2022 R.
2022Abstract 3/2022
Table of content
Kamila Hanasiuk, Marek Motylewicz - Study on vehicle traffic and drivers’ behaviors on turbo-roundabouts without elevated traffic lane separators
Jacek Krawczyk - Concept for the expansion of urban tramway…
NR 12/2020 R.
2020Abstract 12/2020
Table of content
Wojciech Suchorzewski, Andrzej Brzeziński, Andrzej Waltz - Traffic modelling and forecasting - from abacus to Big Data
Bryniarska Zofia, Jarosiński Krzysztof - Functioning of the Wavelo city bike…
NR 2/2020 R.
2020Abstract 2/2020
Table of content
Maciej Górowski, Zbigniew Konieczek - Tram driving autonomy as a tool to support the work of motorists
Piotr Soczówka, Renata Żochowska, Aleksander Sobota, Marcin Jacek Kłos - Influence of travel-related…
NR 6/2019 R.
2019Abstract 6/2019
Table of content
Sabina Mateja, Joanna Wachnicka - Traffic safety threats on intersections with the tram line located next to the road and improvement measures
Andrzej Krych - Energy consumption as a criterion for the…
Nr 3/2019 R.
2019Abstract 3/2019
Table of content
Maciej Helbin, Olgierd Wyszomirski - The use of modern technologies to control transport services on the example of the Public Transport Authority in Gdynia
Stanisław Krawiec, Krzysztof Krawiec - Implementing…
Nr 2/2019 R.
2019Abstract 2/2019
Table of content
Maciej Helbin, Olgierd Wyszomirski - Possibilities of Using Big Data in Researching Demand and Supply in Urban Transport
Krystian Birr - Research on residents' travel for the mode choice modeling
Nr 6/2017 r.
2017Abstract 6/2017
Table of content
Katarzyna Czekała, Zofia Bryniarska - The empty methodfor assessment of selected interchanges in Krakow’s public transport
Aleksandra Ciastoń-Ciulkin - Analysis of travel comfort level in aglomeration…
Nr 12/2015 r.
2015 Abstract 12/2015
Table of content
Maciej Kruszyna - The proposal of introduction of an underground sections in the Wroclaw’s public transport
Marcin Gromadzki, Krzysztof Grzelec - Standards of technical equipment in public transport…
Nr 2/2012 r.
2012Abstract 2/2012
Integrated railroad hubs at small railway stations and stops
Function of transport hubs in public collective transport. Interchanges at small railway stations and stops. Lay out of bus bays.
Key words: urban…
Nr 10/2011 r.
2011Abstract 10/2011
Ryszard Janecki, Stanisław Krawiec
Concept of raising of railway regional carriages status in the services of the Górny Śląsk agglomeration
Railway transport in agglomerations as a stimulus for sustainable…
Nr 3/2011 r.
2011Abstract 3/2011
Daniel Gajewski, Andrzej Szarata
Database on the fluctuation of the traffic volume in Warsaw
Characteristics of the database of the traffic volume measurement with special regard to vehicle composition, vehicle…