
Nr 8/2013 r.
2013Abstract 8/2013
Table of content
Andrzej Brzeziński, Karolina Jesionkiewicz-Niedzińska, Agnieszka Rogala - The advantages and disadvantages of "Park and ride" system on the example of the Warsaw agglomeration
Sławomir Czerwiński -…

Nr 5/2012 r.
2012Abstract 5/2012
Janusz Chodur, Krzysztof Ostrowski
Characterisation of traffic flow during the initial phase of the green signal at signalised intersections
The study aimed to model the process of decongesting a departure queue…

Nr 11/2011 r.
2011Abstract 11/2011
Ryszard Janecki
Development of railway regional transport system in Górny Śląsk agglomeration through interbranch integration
Essentials for public transport integration in the agglomeration. Organiser of railway…

Nr 10/2011 r.
2011Abstract 10/2011
Ryszard Janecki, Stanisław Krawiec
Concept of raising of railway regional carriages status in the services of the Górny Śląsk agglomeration
Railway transport in agglomerations as a stimulus for sustainable…

Nr 9/2011 r.
2011Abstract 9/2011
Marginalization of railway regional carrieges in the transport services needs of the górnośląska agglomeration
Diagnosis of the situation of railway regional transport in the…