Nr 11/2016 r.
2016Abstract 11/2016
Table of content
Jan Kempa, Damian Iwanowicz - General evaluation and development concept of passenger information system in the regional transport of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship
Wojciech Bąkowski - Methodology…
Nr 3/2014 r.
2014Abstract 3/2014
Table of content
Wojciech Bąkowski - Methodology of research on market segments influence on the public transport demand – frame model
Aleksandra Ciastoń-Ciulkin, Katarzyna Nosal - Hierarchization of criterions…
Nr 7/2013 r.
2013Abstract 7/2013
Table of content
Marek Bauer -Comparison of measures of running time of public transport vehicles
Jacek Szołtysek - Seniors’ friendly cities – problem identification
Marcin Wołek - Promotion of trolleybus transport…
Nr 8/2012 r.
2012Abstract 8/2012
Olgierd Wyszomirski
Twenty years of functioning of Urban Public Transport Authority (ZKM) in Gdynia
Urban Public Transport Authority in Gdynia (ZKM) is an administrative unit of Gdynia’s municipality which…
Nr 3/2012 r.
2012Abstract 3/2012
Review on the solutions concerning parking policy in the European cities
Review on the solutions adjusting parking systems in cities to standards for sustainable development. Parking policy of the city of Krakow.…
Nr 2/2012 r.
2012Abstract 2/2012
Integrated railroad hubs at small railway stations and stops
Function of transport hubs in public collective transport. Interchanges at small railway stations and stops. Lay out of bus bays.
Key words: urban…
Nr 12/2011 r.
2011Abstract 12/2011
Kazimierz Jamroz
Problems of estimation of losses and casualties in road accidents in Poland
Review and analysis of losses in road accidents and collisions: road crash victims, material losses, environmental…
Nr 11/2011 r.
2011Abstract 11/2011
Ryszard Janecki
Development of railway regional transport system in Górny Śląsk agglomeration through interbranch integration
Essentials for public transport integration in the agglomeration. Organiser of railway…
Nr 7-8/2011 r.
2011Abstract 7-8 /2011
Two-stage traffic model on the base of the GSM network
Concept of new approach to traffic modelling in cities. Method of gathering data from GSM network. Procedures of…