
Nr 5/2014 r.
2014Abstract 5/2014
Table of content
Wojciech Dinges, Damian Bzdyrek - Selected aspects of the public road transport in the Silesian Voivodeship in the light of researches
Michał Beim - Research on passenger satisfaction in the…

Nr 7-8/2011 r.
2011Abstract 7-8 /2011
Two-stage traffic model on the base of the GSM network
Concept of new approach to traffic modelling in cities. Method of gathering data from GSM network. Procedures of…

Nr 4/2004 r.
2004Abstracts 4/2004
Ryszard Janecki
Regional airports accessibility in Poland. State of art and perspectives up to 2015-2021
Passenger transport services at regional airports. Regional airports accessibility. Airport transport…