Abstract 7/2023

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Piotr Bielski, Mariusz Józefowicz, Olgierd Wyszomirski – 80 years of Gdynia’s Trolleybus  Transport



Piotr Bielski, Mariusz Józefowicz, Olgierd Wyszomirski

80 years of Gdynia’s Trolleybus  Transport

Abstract: The year 2023 marks the 80th anniversary of the launch of trolleybus transport in Gdynia.  Less than four years after Gdynia, trolleybuses also began operating in Sopot. The aim of the article is to present the development of Gdynia’s trolleybus transport from its be-ginning  to the year of its 80th anniversary. This development has been described in terms of infrastructure,  lines and vehicles. The considerations on infrastructure focused mainly on the catenary network in the cross-section of individual decades, which differ in the intensity of its development. In turn, in the case of lines, the division of the past 80 years into several periods differing in the intensity of their development was adopted as a reference point. As fars as the rolling stock is concerned, individual brands of vehicles used in the analyzed period were listed and described. The development of Gdynia’s trolleybus transport turned out to be de-pendent on both the transport policy of public authorities and the changing technical, opera-tional, economic and financial conditions over time. However, the breakthrough for its devel-opment was due to energy and ecological factors, as well as construction changes that gave modern trolleybuses the features of electric buses by providing them with an additional bat-tery drive, making them increasingly independent of the catenary. 

Key words: trolleybus, catenary, lines, vehicles