
Nr 5/2017 r.
2017Abstract 5/2017
Table of content
Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk -Influence of changes in the bus transport offer on the accessibility of tourist attractions in the Kłodzko land
Katarzyna Nosal - Selected aspects of walkability
Eliza Ciszewska-Kulwińska, …

Nr 4/2017 r.
2017Abstract 4/2017
Table of content
Wiesław Starowicz - New transport policy of the City of Cracow for 2016-2025
Jacek Malasek - Research on innovative transport demand in Poland
Krzysztof Kołodziejczyk - Changes in the public transport accessibility…

Nr 5/2014 r.
2014Abstract 5/2014
Table of content
Wojciech Dinges, Damian Bzdyrek - Selected aspects of the public road transport in the Silesian Voivodeship in the light of researches
Michał Beim - Research on passenger satisfaction in the…

Nr 3/2012 r.
2012Abstract 3/2012
Review on the solutions concerning parking policy in the European cities
Review on the solutions adjusting parking systems in cities to standards for sustainable development. Parking policy of the city of Krakow.…