
Nr 11/2016 r.
2016Abstract 11/2016
Table of content
Jan Kempa, Damian Iwanowicz - General evaluation and development concept of passenger information system in the regional transport of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodeship
Wojciech Bąkowski - Methodology…

Nr 10/2016 r.
2016Abstract 10/2016
Table of content
Marianna Jacyna, Mariusz Wasiak, Piotr Gołębiowski -Model of bicycle traffic in the Warsaw travel household survey 2015
Jacek Malasek - Research priorities and innovations in transport sector

Nr 4/2016 r.
2016Abstract 4/2016
Table of content
Wojciech Tworek - Organization of regional road public transport on the basis of voivodship’ plans of sustainable development of regional public transport
Anna Zalewska - Influence of the EU funds on the…

Nr 6/2015 r.
2015Abstract 6/2015
Table of content15
Wojciech Bąkowski - Methodology of determination of public transport services supply in the city
Leszek Kornalewski, Jacek Malasek - Efficiency analyse for urban travel behaviours improvement methods