

NR 1/2024 R.

Abstract 1/2024 Table of content Lechosław Grochowski - Queue management as a method of improving traffic conditions for buses on multi-lane streets  Aleksandra Ciastoń-Ciulkin, Ilona Duda -  Eco-driving in practical terms  Aleksandra…

NR 2/2020 R.

Abstract 2/2020 Table of content Maciej Górowski, Zbigniew Konieczek - Tram driving autonomy as a tool to support the work of motorists Piotr Soczówka, Renata Żochowska, Aleksander Sobota, Marcin Jacek Kłos - Influence of travel-related…

Nr 1/2015 r.

Abstract 1/2015 Table of content Urszula Duda - Overview of kiss and ride zones signs  in selected countries Irena Fryc, Adam Więcko - The impact of bicycle lighting on road safety Artur Budzowski - Problem of Cracow’s International…