

NR 10/2024 R.

Abstract 10/2024 Table of content Filip Janowiec, Mariusz Soboń, Michał Kurzydło - Analysis of rail transport accessibility in the city of Chorzów Tyranowski Szymon, Bryniarska Zofia - Impact of access to public transport on the transportation…

NR 5/2024 R.

Abstract 5/2024 Table of content Katarzyna Cholc, Joanna Wachnicka - Evaluation of the functioning of bicycle lanes - the case of the Tri-City Joanna Dykas, Renata Żochowska - Analysis of the impact of rail traffic on the surroundings…

NR 10/2021 R.

Abstract 10/2021 Table od content Zofia Bryniarska, Aleksandra Kuza - Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on the functioning of passenger transport Michał Małysz - Wrocław Główny as a railway junction of European importance   Abstracts Zofia…

Nr 4/2011 r.

Abstract 4/2011   Wojciech Bąkowski MEANING OF THE INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL IN THE MANAGEMENT OF REGIONAL PUBLIC TRANSPORT Structure of the intellectual capital as an element of intangible assets of the organisation-enterprise. Tasks…

Nr 3/2004 r.

Abstracts 3/2004 From Publisher and Chief Editor   Wiesław Starowicz, Ryszard Janecki Regional public transport integration Regional transport services formation, service integration, as well as extent and formal functions of transport…