
Nr 2/2017 r.

Abstract 2/2017 Table of content Maciej Michnej, Tomasz Zwoliński - Parking management as proven strategies for energy-efficient urban transport under the PUSH&PULL Project Mateusz Pietruch - Analysis of the use parking spaces in Cracow's…

Nr 8/2012 r.

Abstract 8/2012   Olgierd Wyszomirski Twenty years of functioning of Urban  Public Transport  Authority (ZKM) in Gdynia Urban Public Transport Authority in Gdynia (ZKM) is an administrative unit of Gdynia’s municipality which…

Nr 2/2012 r.

Abstract 2/2012   Integrated railroad hubs at small railway stations and stops Function of transport hubs in public collective transport. Interchanges at small railway stations  and stops. Lay out of bus bays. Key words:  urban…