Nr 3/2023 R.
2023Abstract 3/2023
Table of content
Jakub Starczewski - Problems of freight distribution in city logistics
Zofia Bryniarska, Michał Trojanowski - Development and importance for the inhabitants of Trzebinia of railway connections between…
Nr 4/2014 r.
2014Abstract 4/2014
Table of content
Olgierd Wyszomirski - The sustainable development of urban public transport on the example of Gdynia
Hebel Katarzyna - Changes in transport preferences and behavior of the inhabitants of Gdynia…
Nr 1/2005 r.
2005Abstracts 1/2005
Anna Bartczak, Tomasz Żylicz
Dilemma of transport development in the light of Lisbon Strategy
Problem of transport development in Poland in the light of Lisbon Strategy that directs development of European…