
Nr 7/2018 r.

Abstract 7/2018 Table of content Norbert Chamier-Gliszczyński - Issues of monitoring and assessment in the planning of sustainable urban mobility Urszula Duda-Wiertel - Consequences of accessibility parking space change in vulnerable…

Nr 2/2017 r.

Abstract 2/2017 Table of content Maciej Michnej, Tomasz Zwoliński - Parking management as proven strategies for energy-efficient urban transport under the PUSH&PULL Project Mateusz Pietruch - Analysis of the use parking spaces in Cracow's…

Nr 1/2005 r.

Abstracts 1/2005   Anna Bartczak, Tomasz Żylicz Dilemma of transport development in the light of Lisbon Strategy Problem of transport development in Poland in the light of Lisbon Strategy that directs development of European…