Abstract 10/2024
Table of content
Filip Janowiec, Mariusz Soboń, Michał Kurzydło – Analysis of rail transport accessibility in the city of Chorzów
Tyranowski Szymon, Bryniarska Zofia – Impact of access to public transport on the transportation behaviour of residents of the Płaszów and Zabłocie housing estates in Kraków
Florczykiewicz Jakub – Planning the development of rail infrastructure in Małopolska using GIS tools
Edyta Boratyńska-Karpiej, Paweł Engel – Inclusion in public transport – for the youngest and the oldest
Filip Janowiec, Mariusz Soboń, Michał Kurzydło
Analysis of rail transport accessibility in the city of Chorzów
Abstract: The article analyses pedestrian accessibility to train stops and stations within the city of Chorzów, taking into account changes related to the modernization of railway line No. 131. The analysis includes short description of train stations and stops. Various elements related to passenger service areas and their immediate surroundings affecting safety, comfort and the way of moving and behaving in space were taken into account. Based on the spatial evaluation of the areas, it was possible to analyse accessibility for passenger service points. The research was based on the assumption that the study would compare the appearance of the rail network and stations before the start of the reconstruction of rail line No. 131 with its condition after the completion of the modernisation, when the target system of train stations and stops in Chorzów will be created. The results of the accessibility analysis made it possible to present opportunities for the improvement of rail transport, as well as to make suggestions for changes in the rail network system in the city. Other improvements that can be made to affect pedestrian accessibility to rail passenger point infrastructure are also indicated.
Key words: accessibility, railway, spatial analysis, Chorzów, Górnośląsko-Zagłębiowska Metropolis
Tyranowski Szymon, Bryniarska Zofia
Impact of access to public transport on the transportation behaviour of residents of the Płaszów and Zabłocie housing estates in Kraków
Abstract: Access to public transport is a commonly desired feature among residents of large cities today. This is due to the impact it has on the quality of life of residents and economic development. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the appropriate proximity of public transport to the place of residence because it can affect the choice of means of transport. The first part of the article reviews studies on transport accessibility and transport behaviour, which allowed for the presentation of the process of shaping the definition of transport accessibility. Then, based on available data and GIS tools, an analysis of the current state of transport accessibility of the Płaszów and Zabłocie housing estates in Kraków is presented. The second part (TMiR No. 11/12 presents the results of the expert study and survey research. The expert studies used indicator methods to assess transport accessibility, the isochrone method and analysis of travel times by various means of transport and studies on the impact of transport accessibility on transport behaviour. Then, the results of the survey studies are presented along with their analysis and detailed discussion.
Key words: transport accessibility, transport behaviour, urban transport, spatial planning, GIS analyses
Florczykiewicz Jakub
Planning the development of rail infrastructure in Małopolska using GIS tools
Abstract: This article addresses the subject of appropriate planning for the development of rail infrastructure in Małopolska. The investment planning process consists of many stages, the first of which is its preparation. The aim of the article is to show the path of appropriate planning based on analysis and selection of transport problems in relation to railway infrastructure on the example of Małopolska. This allows solutions to be identified and analysed.
Key words: rail infrastructure, rail investments, GIS
Edyta Boratyńska-Karpiej, Paweł Engel
Inclusion in public transport – for the youngest and the oldest
Abstract: The article discusses the accessibility and comfort of public transport for children and seniors, highlighting their particular needs. Challenges related to safety, ergonomics and infrastructure are presented, as well as the importance of education on transport use. The role of on-demand systems and EU funds in creating more accessible services, especially in rural areas and small towns, is highlighted. The article emphasises the need to eliminate architectural and technological barriers that make travel particularly difficult for children and seniors. It underlines the need for training for transport staff to better understand the needs of these groups and the importance of empathy in passenger service. Positive changes in infrastructure were also pointed out, thanks to EU funding, which enables rolling stock to be modernised and transport accessibility to be improved in rural areas. The conference ‘Children and seniors in public transport – a task for FEnIKS’, which inspired the article, pointed out that inclusion in transport is a key element of social justice and well-being for residents, and must not depend on age.
Key words: public transport, inclusion, accessibility of public transport, children and seniors on transport