
NR 12/2020 R.

Abstract 12/2020 Table of content Wojciech  Suchorzewski, Andrzej Brzeziński, Andrzej Waltz - Traffic modelling and forecasting - from abacus to Big Data Bryniarska Zofia, Jarosiński Krzysztof - Functioning of the Wavelo city bike…

NR 6/2020 R.

Abstract 6/2020 Table of content Jan Aleksandrowicz,  Wiesław Starowicz - Automatic passenger counting systems in urban public transport Jacek Oskarbski - Traffic models in modern road transport management Katarzyna Solecka, Monika…

Nr 1/2013 r.

Abstract 1/2013   Magdalena Wyszomirska-Góra Psychological determinants influencing everyday means of transport choices Abstract. The continuous growth of car usage in everyday city journeys constitutes a significant threat to the natural…

Nr 5/2012 r.

Abstract 5/2012   Janusz Chodur, Krzysztof Ostrowski Characterisation of traffic flow during the initial phase of the green signal at signalised intersections The study aimed to model the process of decongesting a departure queue…

Nr 1/2012 r.

Abstract 1/2012 Determining transport districts centres of gravitation for modelling of the traffic Setting centre of gravitation of transport district for traffic modelling in cities. Proposed modifications of procedures of analytic method…