NR 1/2024 R.

Abstract 1/2024 Table of content Lechosław Grochowski - Queue management as a method of improving traffic conditions for buses on multi-lane streets  Aleksandra Ciastoń-Ciulkin, Ilona Duda -  Eco-driving in practical terms  Aleksandra…

Reviewers 2016

Reviewers 2016 Gaca Stanisław Hebel Katarzyna Jamroz Kazimierz Janecki Ryszard Kempa Jan Krawiec Stanisław Krych Andrzej Macioszek Elżbieta Niedzielski Piotr Starowicz Wiesław Szarata Andrzej Szołtysek…

Reviewers 2015

Reviewers 2015 Gaca Stanisław Hebel Katarzyna Jamroz Kazimierz Janecki Ryszard Kempa Jan Krawiec Stanisław Krych Andrzej Macioszek Elżbieta Starowicz Wiesław Stypuła Krzysztof Szarata Andrzej Szołtysek…

Reviewers 2013

Stanisław Gaca Katarzyna Hebel Kazimierz Jamroz Jan Kempa Stanisław Krawiec Maciej Kruszyna Andrzej Krych Piotr Olszewski Andrzej Rudnicki Wiesław Starowicz Marian Wójcik Renata Żuchowska

Scoring of articles

Each publication in the magazine "Urban and Regional Transport " according to the current list of bulleted journals published by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education on 23 December 2015 (Part B) is awarded 7 points ( this also applies…

Reviewers 2012

Wojciech Bąkowski, Włodzimierz Czyczuła, Tadeusz Dyr, Stanisław Gaca, Katarzyna Hebel, Kazimierz Jamroz, Ryszard Janecki, Stanisław Krawiec, Maciej Kruszyna, Maciej Mindur, Andrzej Rudnicki, Antoni Szydło, …

Reviewers 2011

Wojciech Bąkowski Zofia Bryniarska Włodzimierz Czyczuła Tadeusz Dyr Stanisław Gaca Ryszard Janecki Stanisław Krawiec Maciej Mindur Andrzej Rudnicki Wiesław Starowicz Antoni Szydło Robert Tomanek

Protection policy against ghostwriting and guest authorship

Protection policy against ghostwriting and guest authorship When does ghostwriting or  guest authorship occur? Scientific credibility is one of its quality foundations. Readers should be confident that Authors of articles clearly, honestly…

Reviewing procedure

All publications submitted to the editorial office via e-mail or posted are reviewed (two reviewers) and linguistic reviewing (review editor for language) Two independent reviewers – employed in different organization than the Author…

Preparation articles for printing

Preparation articles for printing „Urban and Regional Transport " is a scientific-technological magazine on the list of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education, part B, published article is scored with 7 points. The magazine  publishes…


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